5 Kitchen Goodies I Don't Want to Live Without – Plush

5 Kitchen Goodies I Don't Want to Live Without

Posted by Brenda Lowe on

When it comes to organization, I can get a little over ambitious! I LOVE to be organized. However, as a small business owner, I find little time to implement so many of the great ideas and hacks I see on Pinterest and other platforms (probably because I'm on social media!). Since most of my shopping is done online these days, Amazon is one of the places I find so many of my purchases...and these are no different. I've personally purchased all of these items for myself/my home and can tell you - They are so worth it!!!

Spice Jars. I love to cook and I also love using spices and herbs...Since I'm constantly adding new ones to my pantry, keeping them organize d can be a challenge. I like to be able to see what I have and locate spice jarswhat I need quickly.

Enter these little gems!! Nice, clean glass jars with silver lids...and labels ready to go! This set even came with a little funnel to transfer spices right into the jars with little mess! Y'all...talk about heavenly spice organization! Line them up in your pantry with labels on the front, or keep them in a basket with labels on the lids...alphabetized, of course! Get yours HERE!

The Ultimate Trash Can. I live alone (with my 3 fur babies), but for the last 6 months my parents were living with me while their house was getting ready for them to move into it. During that time, the amount of trash we accumulated was insane! It seems we were literally taking out the trash every single day. I went looking for a larger can for the kitchen when I came across this fancy shmancy get-up.

21 gallon trash bags
21 gallon trash can

Stainless steel, or course. Hands-free, 21 gallon capacity (TWENTY-ONE!) and it's ELECTRIC. No batteries required, though it DOES have a battery back up option. And there's a contraption inside that HIDES the trash bag and keeps it secure so it doesn't fall in AND you don't see it from the outside. Because, who wants to see a trash bag hanging outside the can, right? Yeah, it's a little pricey for a trash can, but Oh. My. Word. It reduced our taking out the trash events to every 3 days instead of every day! And now that my parents have moved out and I'm back to solo living, sometimes it's almost an entire week before I need to take the trash out! How about that! The trash bags can be ordered through Amazon and Walmart's website, and they aren't terribly expensive...But this trash can is a must!!! Get yours HERE.

Taco Holders!! Who doesn't love Taco Tuesday, right? My son and I went to a fancy taco joint in Nashville one afternoon and had some of the best tacos ever.

taco holders

The fact that they were brought to us in cool taco trays was, I'm sure, the whole reason for them tasting so good! Who knew it was even a thing? Taco HOLDERS...and how smart. Of course I had to have some for my own taco dining experience at home! They come in a set of 4..each tray holds 3 soft or hard tacos! I eat largely Keto diet, so I make cheese shells and these work great! I love a good presentation at meal time, so these were right up my alley! Order yours HERE.

My NinjaAlmost without fail, my morning routine (to use the term loosely) is to make either a smoothie or coffee shake before doing anything else. I've been through numerous blenders throughout my life, and the Ninja is by far the ninja blenerbeastiest of them all that I've owned. It's powerful. It's compact. And best of all, it has a single serve blending feature with individual single serve cups. Perfect for me. Every single day! I've had mine for about 8 years now and it works like it did the first day out of the box. Ice and frozen strawberries are no match for this thing. My drinks are smooth every time! Get your Ninja HERE.

henckels chef knifehenckels knife sharpenerHenckels Professional S 8" Chef's Knife and Sharpener - over 20 years ago, I dated a guy who introduced me to gourmet cooking. He had some made skills in the kitchen and we had so much fun making meals together. I usually had chopping duty...the veggies, garlic and such...so he taught me some knife skills that I still use today. He also went with me to purchase my first real chef knife. I remember spending $100 on it at Williams Sonoma and that was a lot of money back then for a single mom! Yes, it's still a lot of money even today for one knife, but almost 25 years after buying my Henckels chef knife, it still cuts like butta. Get the knife HERE.
What a great investment it has been! It's the kind of knife you can pass long to your kids one day. It is important to sharpen it regularly. I have a Henckels knife sharpener that I use and it's easy and quick to do. Get it HERE.

So do tell...what are some of your must-have kitchen gadgets and goodies? Comment below!


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