Plush's Picks
5 Must Haves If A Disaster Strikes At Home
Posted by Brenda Lowe on

During these most uncertain times, I'm finding myself thinking more and more about how prepared I am if we end up in a world war, or if our power grid is attacked, or a variety of other crazy and not-so-pleasant thoughts. So, rather being safe than sorry, I've started gathering items that will definitely help in an off-grid situation. I'm fortunate to own 4 acres in the country, and have plenty of space for gardening and homesteading. Last year, I built a raised garden and was pleasantly surprised with the results. It's a lot of work, but being able to grow...
5 Kitchen Goodies I Don't Want to Live Without
Posted by Brenda Lowe on

When it comes to organization, I can get a little over ambitious! I LOVE to be organized. However, as a small business owner, I find little time to implement so many of the great ideas and hacks I see on Pinterest and other platforms (probably because I'm on social media!). Since most of my shopping is done online these days, Amazon is one of the places I find so many of my purchases...and these are no different. I've personally purchased all of these items for myself/my home and can tell you - They are so worth it!!! Spice Jars. I love to cook...
5 must-haves that just make life better
Posted by Brenda Lowe on

Happy New year! Every year, I take the last 2 weeks of the year off and spend several days getting my house in by room, looking for ways to save time and money, and simplify life in general! As I'm working through each room, I usually have problem areas that I brainstorm a good solution for. This year is no different! So, I've compiled a list of some of my picks for different areas around my house that are bound to help me in my every day routines in the new year! I do lots of shopping on Amazon...